meluncur bebas bahasa Inggris
- meluncur: chute; chuted; chuting; coast; coasted; coasting;
- bebas: absolve; at liberty; be free; free; freely; go
- meluncur: chute; chuted; chuting; coast; coasted; coasting; glide; glided; gliding; lifted off; on glide; rocket; roll along; rolled along; skate; skated; skating; skid; skidded; skidding; slid; slide; slidin
- alat meluncur: roller skating equipment
- meluncur (roket): blast off; blasted off; blasting off
- meluncur cepat: hurtled; hurtling; kited along; kiting along
- meluncur menubruk: slid into; slide into; slided into; sliding into
- meluncur pergi: kited
- meluncur turun: race down; raced down; racing down
- terbang meluncur: gliding flight
- meluncur dengan cepat: barrel along; bowl along; bowled along; bowling along; hurtle; kite along
- meluncur ke bawah: slid down; slide down; slided down; sliding down; sink
- meluncur ke udara: flew into the air
- meluncur lebih jauh: overshoot
- bebas: absolve; at liberty; be free; free; freely; go free; liberal; on the loose; at large; clear; ease; exempt; get off lightly; in the clear; loose; odd; out; independent; unhampered; unbrace; untie; de
- And the Serpent slithered free andsankagain,soquickly, beneath the waves.
dan Ular meluncur bebas dan tenggelam lagi, begitu cepat, di bawah gelombang. - ④ Release the plunger, making sure that it slides freely on its guide.
④ Lepaskan plunger, memastikan bahwa itu meluncur bebas di buku nya. - Sealed cup glide independent driving cylinder Blade pressure and Ink Removing Completely;
Cup berseluncur meluncur bebas mengemudi silinder Tekanan blade dan Penghapusan Tinta Sepenuhnya; - If you need to return to the ground after power failure, you should lift the manual downhill handle of the hoist at both ends to allow the suspension platform to slide freely to the ground.
Jika Anda harus kembali ke tanah setelah listrik mati, Anda harus mengangkat pegangan manual dari kerekan di kedua ujungnya untuk memungkinkan platform suspensi meluncur bebas ke tanah. - This fun and challenging inflatable water sports park is an exciting playground in a pure nature marine environment for the entire family and any kind of groups to play and hang out
Wahana permainan inflatable (karet tiup) pertama dan terbesar di Batam ini sangat menyenangkan dan menantang dimana kalianbisa memanjat, mengayun, meloncat dan meluncur bebas ke laut. Pengunjung diharuskan menggunakan Life Jacket (baju pelampung) dan akan dijaga oleh Life Guard (perenang penyelamat).